A to Z Memory Workbook
As I got further along with the process of making the A to Z Memory Book I realized that as personal as it is to my life, the process is cathartic and could be helpful to others who are struggling to remember and share their memories with their family. It's a gift to ourselves and to the person we lost. It can also be a way to record your memories for the next generation as a gift.
I have created a workbook that has a page for each letter of the alphabet, ideas about how to start and an A to Z list at the back to make notes and plan. I encourage you to start where you are, draw if you like to draw, use collage if that is easier, paste in a photo and then jot down a memory to go with it. It's really just a starting point to get you to think of the little, everyday things that you miss about the one you have lost or that you want to remember and to share it with the ones you love.
The workbook is on the presses! Thank you to everyone who preordered and helped make this possible. I will be shipping workbooks in late December. If you would like a copy, order now!